Regional Development
How we make our township attractive for business:
The Genoa Township Business Association has partnered with the Genoa Township Development and Zoning Office to establish a public/private economic development partnership focused on maintaining and expanding the Genoa Township business community. This partnership is administered by the GTBA’s Public Affairs Committee.
Why your business should locate in Genoa Township:
Genoa Township is a great place to open and run a business. The commercial/industrial center of Genoa Township is located on Polaris Parkway (Maxtown Road) and State Street (State Route 3). With a short 5-minute drive to I-71 and a 10-minute drive to I-270, it is easily accessible and in the center of a great area for commerce. It is the perfect location to not be drowned out in competition, but have access to thousands of potential clients, customers, workers, and other critical resources.